How do I know if a money lender is legitimate? 


The moneylender is someone who lent their money to the people at some interest rate. They are making business lending money to needy people and getting the profit margin by their interest rate. Right now, as digitalisation is increasing, scams and spam are also taking place. The cyber-attacks in cybersecurity also come into the knowledge. Because of less awareness and less knowledge, people take part in the fraud. Middle-aged people are less knowledgeable and aware of digital platforms. Fraud money lenders show so many tempting offers to the people and get them involved in the scam. So if you are looking for some moneylender, a question arises in your mind, How do I know if a moneylender is legitimate?” For this, you should always keep two things in mind: check the professionalism and verify the authenticity of the moneylender. Only check their websites and their identity before choosing a moneylender for your loans.

How to Spot Illegal Lenders

  • Illegal money lender per always approaches you through SMS text phone calls or any digital platform but take care of it the legitimate money lender will always approach via a legal platform on the network he will not call you and ask you to reply on the pretext he sends or never ask you your personal details over phones or emails. 
  • The illegal money lender will ask for your personal details over text messages. Still, the legal money lender will never ask for it, and we will appoint a personal meeting and complete their procedure in person through a pen and paper meeting face to face. So always take care that the moneylender should not ask for the complete information over text or calls.
  • Illegal money lender approaches you through text and calls, and a legal money lender will treat you through associated government channels. 
  • Local money lenders will never convince you about their legitimacy. They will share their identity provided by the government and happily perform their work.
  • A little money lender will never wish you to take a loan immediately or convince you to take the loan. Still, the illegal money lender will convince you to show their legitimacy and ask you to take the loan as soon as possible by showing all tempting offers.
  • A legal money lender will always have an office and ask you to come over there for the procedure, but the illegal money lender will never ask you to do so. Legal money lenders show the offers and its pros and cons, but the illegal money revenue will tell you about the other side of the taking loan he will always push you to take alone. So, if you are looking for some authentic money lending organisations, you can visit CRAWFORT PTE LTD.

These are the few points you should consider before going for a money lender and choosing your money lender. Taking personal loans, car loans, and home loans is a huge decision for a middle-class family. Continuously checks the moneylender’s license, which the government provides by doing proper verification and work permission. When it comes to money lending, moneylenders are most commonly known as money sharks. You should be aware of all the spam and scams. All ask for recommendations from your society, your relatives or friends who give you a good piece of advice. It would be best to go for the banks directly while looking for a money lender because many money lenders work individually.


Finding the legitimate moneylender is very tough among all the competitive moneylenders which are doing scams and frauds as well as they are very good at convincing people. So, whenever you are planning to take your personal loan, it is very important to take care of all the few points which are necessary to know whenever going to choose your money lender. And if someone is approaching through you through SMS, text, phone calls and other social media platforms then try to avoid all of them because they are scams or fraudsters. You can use references from your social relatives’ societies and other friends who already have some experience in this process.

Always choose the legitimate money lender for your personal loans to stay stress free.