Commercial Kitchens and Food Safety – How To Achieve This Goal?

Home Improvement

Kitchens are where there is more breeding of bacteria and all other such germs. They can result in food poisoning or some food-borne diseases. The best way of keeping the quality of food at its best is by avoiding the entry of flies or pests into the house. This factor can be done with the help of fly screens, and installing them is the ideal choice.

Premier Screens Limited is a renowned service for installing fly screens at home. They are famous for offering the best quality screen installation service at affordable prices. You can check their webpage to get all the information on their services.

Working Mechanism of Screens

The screens ensure they offer the best protection against all flies and pests. These screens will be installed so that they can avoid the entry of unwanted guests, even through the round edges.

The fly screen kinds include-

  • Standard Fly Screen
  • Sliding screen windows where the owners can easily slide the doors open and close to clean the windows.
  • Sub-frame screens with handles to easily slide them.

Improving the Hygiene

Messy kitchens are standard today because of the work that goes on in them. They can be cleaned thoroughly and tidied up at the end of the day. When there is an entry or breeding of food-damaging insects and pests, the owners should look for a way of completely eradicating them and also avoid their entry in the future. This idea can be achieved with the help of fly screens.

Types of Flies

The different kinds of flies that can damage your food include,

  • Common House Fly
  • Lesser House Fly
  • Blow Flies
  • Cluster Flies
  • Fruit Flies
  • Filter and Drain Flies
  • Phorid Fly

Cleaning Tips to Eradicate Flies

You can use many ways to eradicate flies from your home, and these are home remedies. Check them below.

·         Boiling Water to Drains

Flies love it when they get to breed in the damp places. The drains are damp all the time, and flies love such places. The best way to avoid breeding is by pouring boiling water into these drains. The hot water can kill and remove all the flies and eggs inside the drains.

·         Stagnant Water Removal

Stagnant water is the breeding ground for flies, insects, and mosquitoes. They lay eggs inside the stagnant water, and these eggs can lay thousands of eggs later. Eradicating such stagnant water sources is the best choice.

·         Fly Killer Electronic Devices

These lights attract flies and other such minute insects towards it. The flies will be destroyed as soon as they come in contact with these devices. Remember never to place them above food as the flies can fall into food.

Flypaper Strips

These strips have adhesive in them. They not only attract flies but will also kill them without allowing them to fly away. When attached to the walls above the food areas, these strips kill flies and insects without allowing them to fly away.

Many solutions are available to eradicate flies and insects anywhere, especially in a commercial kitchen. Understand them and make your kitchen safer for preparing food and storing them.